Welcome to our Website

Thank you for visiting the Town of Bolivar website. We hope that this site will bring our government to the people we serve, both near and far. We hope that in touring our site you can learn about us, what we do and the services we provide to our citizens.

Quick Contact Information
Town Building

Town/Village Hall
252 Main St
Bolivar, NY 14715

phone Phone: (585) 928-1860
fax Fax: (585) 928-2045

Find Us On FacebookFind us on Facebook
Town Board Meetings

Town Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month at the Town / Village Hall at 6:00 p.m. The Town Board welcomes the public to attend the board meetings. If you wish to address the board, please advise the board in advance so they can research the subject matter of your concern. The meeting agenda is available 24 hours before the meeting.


Town Board meeting minutes are now available online beginning with the minutes from the March 2011 Board meeting. Click here to view and download. Minutes from previous meetings are available at the Town Hall.

Local Law Search
Click here to begin the search.
Vision Statement

To be a municipal government that works collaboratively with citizens and other governments to plan for and respond to citizen needs and provide timely, efficient, effective, and customer friendly services.


Bolivar has a unique identity derived not only from its namesake, Simon Bolivar, but from the footprint left by the "oil boom". The discovery of oil in the 1880's hurtled the town from a population of a few hundred to thousands of people producing tens of thousands of barrels of oil each week. Engines could be heard day and night powering machines to pump the oil from the sands far below the surface. The engines now are rarely heard, but oil is still produced even though it's just a fraction of its once enormous volume.

Find Us

Bolivar is a town in Allegany County, New York, USA.
Population:..... 2,189 at the 2010 census(source Wikipedia).
Latititude:......  42.066N
Longitude:....... -78.168W
Elevation:....... 1,594 feet
Here is a Google Map


Monday: 8:00 to 11:00am, 12:00 to 2:30pm
Tuesday: 8:00 to 11:00am, 12:00 to 2:30pm
Wednesday: 9:00am to noon
Thursday: 8:00am to noon, 1:00 to 2:30pm

Announcements and Links



That the Town Board of the Town of Bolivar has approved to change the DATE of the March Town Board Meeting. The meeting date will be on Tuesday, the 11th day of March, 2026, at 6:00 p.m., at the Bolivar Town Hall.
Amanda Gilliland
Bolivar Town Clerk
252 Main St
Bolivar, NY 14715


The Village of Bolivar is now accepting applications for a Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Activated Sludge Process position within the Village of Bolivar. Full Job description is available at the Village office. Please Submit Resumes to Stephanie MacDonell by 4PM on February 14 2025 at the Bolivar Town Hall located at 252 Main St Bolivar NY 14715 or email them to bolivarvillageclerk@yahoo.com.
Respectfully Submitted:
Stephanie Macdonell clerk/treasurer


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that pursuant to resolution of the Town Board of the Town of Bolivar, Allegany County, NY, is accepting sealed bids for two separate contracts, one for the grounds maintenance and second for the construction of concrete footers for headstones at the Maple Lawn Cemetery. Bid specifications can be picked up at the office of the Town Clerk, 252 Main St., Bolivar. Bids in sealed envelopes will be accepted until 5:45 pm, on February 18, 2025, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud.
The above will be awarded by the Town Board to the lowest responsible bidder. In cases where two or more responsible bidders submit identical bids as to price, the Town Board may award the contract to either of such bidders. The Town Board may reject all bids and advertise for new bids in their discretion.

Amanda Gilliland
Town Clerk/Tax collector


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that I, Amanda Gilliland, the undersigned Collector of Taxes of the Town of Bolivar, County of Allegany, New York, have duly received the tax roll and warrant for the collection of Town and County Taxes for 2025 and the I will receive at the Bolivar Town Hall, 252 Main St., Bolivar, New York, during the months of January, February, and March. Days and hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 8am-2:30pm and Wednesday 9am-12noon. Payment also may be made by mail at any time, placed in the secure drop box, or by credit card at:
https://payv3.xpress-pay.com/org/4ECC1FF676F0430 (fees apply).

FURTHER, TAKE NOTICE, that taxes may be paid on or before January 31st, 2025 without charge of interest. On all taxes collected after such date there shall be added interest of one percent for each month until the return of the unpaid taxes are made to the Allegany County Treasurer on the 3rd day of April, 2025.

IN ADDITION, New York State Real Property Tax Law #987 mandates that all taxpayers be notified by letter of unpaid taxes in March 2025. The expense of mailing this notice has been set at $2.00 per tax bill and will be added to the March amount due.

Dated: December 31, 2024
Amanda Gilliland
Town Clerk/Tax collector

That a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Bolivar on the 19th day of November, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., at the Bolivar Town Hall regarding the Proposed Budget for 2025 for the Town of Bolivar in the County of Allegany, New York.

Any resident of the Town of Bolivar is entitled to be heard upon the said 2025 Budget for the Town of Bolivar at such public hearing. Copies of proposed budget are available for review at the Town Clerk’s Office.

Pursuant to Section 113 of Town Law, the proposed salaries for the following Town Officials are as follows:

  • Supervisor: $5,590.00
  • 4 Councilpersons: $5,200.00 ($1,300.00 each)
  • Town Clerk/Tax Collector: $18,291.00
  • Town Justice: $6,474.00
  • Highway Superintendent: $58,149.00
  • Assessor: $12,220.00
Amanda Gilliland, Town Clerk

The Town of Bolivar Court now has a court clerk available, in the courtroom, on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10am-2:30pm. Please stop in or call 585-928-1023.

The Town of Bolivar is accepting credit card and electronic check payments for the 2022 Town & County taxes.
You can pay those at: www.xpress-pay.com

The Courthouse is accessible to persons with disabilities. If special accommodations are needed for persons with disabilities, those with hearing impairments, or those in need of translation from English, those individuals should contact the Bolivar Court Clerk at 585-928-1023, at least one week in advance of the hearing date to allow for necessary arrangements. Written comments may also be submitted to Bolivar Court Clerk, 252 Main St., Bolivar, NY 14715.

The Town of Bolivar now accepts credit card as a form of payment for most transactions (fees do apply). Please see the Town Clerk for more information.

Dog Licenses
If you have a new dog to license, but do not have time to come to the office, you can now apply for the new license by mail! The application is available under the "downloadable forms" section.

Dog license renewals are now available online! Click the link below to renew online or see when license is due (fees do apply)!


The Town of Bolivar Court is now accepting payments online! Please click the following nCourt image and follow the prompts.

Or call in to pay by phone in the bilingual call center at (888) 912-1541. *This is only for TOWN of Bolivar Court payments.*

Town Court is being held on Thursdays at 6:00pm.

Transfer Station Tickets
The Town Clerk now is selling Allegany Co. Transfer Station Tickets for bags in the amounts of $20.00, $40.00 and $60.00. They are available during the Town Clerks office hours only on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Recycle bins
The Village of Bolivar and the Town of Bolivar now have for your convenience opened 2 bins (1 for scrap metal and 1 for white goods) located inside the Village Barn lot next to the Village compost pile. Open Monday thru Friday during normal business hours. Please feel free to use this service with proceeds to be divided between the Village and Town.