Contact Information
- Phone: (585) 928-1860
- Address: 252 Main St. Bolivar, NY 14715
- Email: bolivarassessor@gmail.com
- Hours: Wedesdays 2PM - 5PM
Term of Office - Committees
- Term: Appointed - 6 years
- Term ends: September 30, 2024
Grievance day is always the 1st Tuesday in June in the Town of Bolivar.
The hours are from 4 to 8 pm.
Need to file Grievance form RP524?
Need to file a Veterans Exemption from Real Property Tax form RP 458a?
Need to file a STAR (State Tax Relief) form rp425?
You can click on the link above or download and print these forms from the "Downloadable Forms" tab above or you may find these and many other forms at the
NYS Dept of Taxation and Finance.
Exemptions are due to assessor by March 1 (Star, Enhanced Star 65+, veterans etc.)
To view the tax roll or for property comparisons at the Allegany County website click
here, then click on the public access button to view the records.
As Tax Assessor her duties include listing and placing value on all taxable property, real and personal, maintaining the tax maps and assisting homeowners with Exemption applications. This must be achieved in accordance with the laws that govern the jurisdiction.