Moore Memorial Pool

Moore Memorial Pool

South Main Street

Bolivar, New York


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Hours of Operation
(Weather permitting)


Tuesday thru Sunday:  Noon to 4pm


Tuesday thru Friday: 6pm to 8pm


Children 3 and under  Free
Children (4 to 18)  $2.00
Adults $3.00
Individual Season Pass $30.00
Family Season Pass $75.00

Swimming Lessons

Please contact the lifeguards to schedule lessons


The purpose of the recreation program at R.B. Moore Memorial Pool is not only to provide recreation, but to also develop skills and provide guidance to assisting youths to realize their potential and self-worth. This recreation program also provides summer employment to local high school and college students. Typically the pool serves between 600 and 700 youths between the ages of 0 and 20 years of age each season.


R.B Moore Memorial Pool is the only public outdoor pool facility in Allegany County. It was bequeathed to the Village and Town of Bolivar by Ethel O. Moore "in consideration of her interest in the welfare of the inhabitants of the Town and Village of Bolivar and because of her desire to provide a place of recreation for young people residing in said Town and Village."